@In the construction field, typical robot application scenarios have begun to be collected!

Steel Chamfer

All relevant units are requested to fill in and submit the paper materials of typical application scenarios of construction robot with official seal in duplicate to the emerging industries department of Municipal Bureau of industry and information technology (room 3138, Zone C, citizen center) and send the electronic version (word version) to the e-mail before December 8, 2021 libw@gxj.sz.gov.cn 。 It is hereby notified.

In order to promote robots to better serve economic and social development, we are now collecting typical robot application scenarios in the construction field and submitting paper materials before December 8! If you meet the requirements, please fill in the relevant units quickly: according to the letter of the first equipment industry department of the Ministry of industry and information technology on soliciting typical robot application scenarios for the construction field (gtfh [2021] No.

Contact Lu pingting of Shenzhen Bureau of industry and information technology on December 1, 2021   88102095 attachment viewing and.

373), we are organizing the solicitation of typical robot application scenarios for the construction field in Shenzhen.


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