How many representative buildings in the world do you know?

Every country in the world has its own characteristic representative buildings


You can know which country it is at a glance


Let’s take a look at the representative buildings of each country


How many do you know? The statue of liberty is a gift given by France to the United States for one hundred years of independence


She holds the fire cupboard in her right hand and the declaration of independence in her left hand, which symbolizes that the American people yearn for freedom and democracy


At night, the light at the bottom of the statue shines on the statue of liberty, which looks like a blue jade carving


In order to celebrate the victory of the great revolution, the French government decided to build this high tower At that time, people were very angry


They thought the Eiffel Tower was very ugly and affected the appearance of Paris


Do you think it was ugly? Later, more tourists brought a lot of income to France every year, and people accepted it


In order to commemorate the designer, people also built a bronze bust under the tower – Big Ben


Big Ben is also called Elizabeth tower


It is an important place for British people to celebrate the new year, and every hour There will be a deep time chime, and the bell will strike the heart


Will the melon seeds buzz in the heads of people living nearby? It has appeared several times in its 100 plus years old


Now every week, engineers will go to check Russia Moscow Red Square


Red Square is the oldest square in Moscow to witness major historical events


In Russian, red means beautiful, so red square is a beautiful square The Red Square in winter night scene is very bright


Major Russian gatherings are held here, such as large-scale celebrations and military parades


The mighty soldiers add dignity to the square


Australia Sydney Opera House Sydney Opera House is the palace of culture and art, and also the soul of Sydney


Every night, there will be dazzling lights so that you can see it from dozens of miles away


It looks like the Red Square A few shining shells can enjoy listening to music in such a large concert hall


Italy – leaning tower of Pisa was built in 1173


The body of the tower tilts from the third floor and looks like it is going to fall down


The interior decoration is very luxurious


The whole building is full of Roman style, because the bricks used for building the tower are of first-class materials, and the bonding between the bricks is very ingenious They say that the leaning tower is as strong as the Pisa people and will never fall down


India – the Taj Mahal is the most perfect treasure of Indian Muslims


It was named as the perfect building by the United Nations


It was born of love


It was built by an Indian emperor for his concubine, with dignified appearance, grand doors, windows and screens carved with white marble It gives people a noble feeling, and the interior is luxurious


You can imagine how much money was spent to build such a palace


The Brandenburg gate was built to commemorate the victory of the seven-year war


This gate is the symbol of Germany, and the sculpture on it is also the symbol here


The chariot pulled by four war horses is like a general coming back from a war victory


Egypt – pyramid The tomb of the king of ancient Egypt has not been successfully explored


It is full of mystery because the dead animals and plants in it have not rotted for thousands of years, so the legend of mummy is even more terrifying


The Sphinx beside the pyramid is one of the oldest large stone statues in the world


It has a history of more than 4500 years


Many people want to try to climb the top of the pyramid, but none of them go up It is said that the Pharaon put a spell on the temple, which has not been explained clearly so far


In order to celebrate the victory of Greece over the invaders, people built the temple


All kinds of statues are carved in marble


After more than 2000 years of changes, the top of the temple has collapsed, but other parts still stand


Holland – Windmill speaking of Holland, we can see for the first time What I think of is windmills


Due to the lack of water and power resources in Holland, the terrain is low enough to provide wind power for the local area, so many windmills have been built


Setting up windmills on the land full of flowers undoubtedly adds a beauty and makes people intoxicated


Singapore Merlion Merlion is actually not an actual animal


It was designed by Chinese Singaporeans


It is said that the prince drifted in a shipwreck that year An animal was found on this island


Someone told him it was a lion, so he named it lion city


Later, it was called Singapore white Merlion


At night, the light turned to gold, which was more majestic


Denmark Mermaid when you look at the bronze statue of the mermaid from a distance, you will feel that she is very quiet and leisurely


Only when you look closer can you find that she is very melancholy, as if she is loved The wounded woman is said to be the daughter of the sea king, who fell in love with the prince of mankind, but the prince fell in love with another woman and abandoned her, so he is waiting for the prince to change his mind


Brazil’s Savior Jesus Christ stands on the top of the mountain overlooking the capital of Brazil


He opens his hands to welcome people from all over the world, symbolizing Brazil’s passion Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers Twin Towers It’s majestic and looks very spectacular


On the 40th floor, there is an overpass, which looks like a gate to the sky


It’s easy to see in the city


The tower is like two sharp big corns breaking through the sky


Japan – Tokyo Tower


The height of Tokyo Tower surpasses the Eiffel Tower


It’s the tallest tower in the world


It can be used to send lights such as TV and radio


The light energy changes with the seasons


It looks colorful Colorful Vatican – St


Peter’s Cathedral St


Peter’s Cathedral is the largest church in Christianity, which can accommodate 60000 people


In the heart of Christians, this is the place where God lives


When you walk into the church, you will find all kinds of statues in it, each of which is lifelike


UAE Arab tower Hotel Arab tower hotel looks like a sailing boat, so it is also called sailing hotel


It stands on the seaside and is called Bo hotel The Pearl of Swann South Korea Chongli gate Chongli gate is South Korea’s No.1 “national treasure”


It is the largest gate in Seoul and is known as South Korea’s gate by the United Nations


It has a long history


The only drawback is that it was burned down by arson more than ten years ago


Fortunately, it has been repaired, and now it is also very gorgeous in the night scene


Cambodia Angkor Wat Angkor Wat has mobilized the strength of the people all over the country, and it took 35 years to complete the construction Cheng is the largest temple in the world


Its layout is very symmetrical, showing the architectural characteristics of the local people


The walls inside are carved with dancers, which is very realistic


Myanmar Rangoon gold pagoda the biggest feature of Rangoon gold pagoda is that the gold on the pagoda is really luxurious


People who go to worship Buddha have to be barefoot, even the head of state is no exception, otherwise it will be regarded as disrespectful at night Czech Prague square is the capital of the Czech Republic


It is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe


The most famous one is Prague square


There is a distinctive self ringing bell on the square


As soon as the bell rings, there will be 12 statues bowing to people


The square is very lively at night


People like to come out and enjoy the prosperous China Great Wall at night The Great Wall is one of the eight wonders of the world


How long was the Great Wall built to resist foreign enemies? From Yalu in the east to Jiayuguan in the East, it has crossed 15 provinces


Now the Great Wall is no longer used for military defense, but more for the expression of China’s civilization


We are proud of it


China Palace Museum is a royal palace in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, formerly known as the forbidden city


It is known as the first of the five palaces and the largest and most complete building in the world


China blada palace is located in Tibet The world’s highest elevation of the grand building is the most outstanding representative of Buddhist temples and palaces, in the world is also the only source of existence: architectural history, heritage protection.



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