< Henan Architecture > General rules for enrollment expansion of Higher Vocational Education in 2021 of Henan architecture vocational and Technical College

Su 1555199680 walks with dreamers and believers


With more than 60 years of school running history, the university has transported nearly 100000 excellent talents to the construction industry inside and outside the province and the construction field of all walks of life, and has achieved a large number of construction decision-makers and managers and leaders of large construction enterprises


Veterans, enterprise employees, laid-off and unemployed persons, migrant workers, high-quality farmers and grass-roots agricultural technicians may be exempted from the cultural quality examination


It is now subordinate to the Department of housing and urban rural development of Henan Province


The university is the construction unit of high-level higher vocational schools and high-level professional construction projects in Henan Province, provincial high-quality higher vocational colleges in Henan Province, Henan Vocational Education Brand demonstration college, Henan language standardization demonstration school, Henan law based school management demonstration school, Henan provincial pilot college of modern apprenticeship, Henan 1 + X certificate pilot college The first batch of prefabricated construction talent training bases in Henan Province, the demonstration unit for the establishment of national unity and progress in Henan Province, the Secretary General unit of the school enterprise cooperation Steering Committee of Vocational Education in Henan construction industry, the chairman unit of Henan Construction Vocational Education Group, and the chairman unit of Henan Construction Vocational Education Alliance of the whole process engineering consulting industry technology innovation strategic alliance


The school has 8 teaching departments (departments) including the Department of civil engineering, the Department of architecture, the Department of engineering management, the Department of equipment engineering and the Department of construction information engineering


The enrollment institutions shall organize vocational adaptability interviews or vocational skill tests related to the majors they apply for, and admission shall be based on the results of the interviews or vocational skill tests


Veterans, laid-off and unemployed, migrant workers, new professional farmers, in-service employees of enterprises, cadres of the two village committees, etc


In principle, the enrollment plan for “eight specific groups” of retired soldiers, enterprise employees, laid-off and unemployed persons, migrant workers, high-quality farmers, grass-roots agricultural technicians, on-the-job kindergarten teachers and grass-roots health professionals is arranged in higher vocational colleges that have undertaken special enrollment expansion tasks in 2021, and the plan is listed separately


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the enrollment expansion of higher vocational education


It has a high-quality teaching team with 704 teaching staff, including 548 full-time teachers and 110 teachers with senior titles


Many excellent graduates have become the main leaders of Party committees, governments and party and government departments at all levels


▼ college enrollment expansion is expected to be more wonderful recommendations


Higher vocational colleges are encouraged to reduce the examination burden of candidates through joint examination or mutual recognition of results




On April 30, 2019, the implementation plan for the special work of enrollment expansion of higher vocational education was discussed and adopted at the executive meeting of the State Council


It has won the honorary titles of provincial “civilized campus”, provincial “safe campus” and “advanced unit of University stability and security work” in Zhengzhou, and is listed in the cadre training college of Henan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development


For top skilled talents who meet the conditions for exemption from examination, higher vocational colleges are exempted from examination

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The school has more than 15000 full-time higher vocational students


Please pay attention to our ▼ college enrollment expansion


Henan Construction Vocational and technical college, founded in 1956, is the only public construction higher vocational college in Henan Province


In 2019, higher vocational colleges will expand their enrollment to 1 million


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The news of 1 million higher vocational colleges nationwide this year has inspired many students and higher vocational colleges


It has won the honorary titles of “five good” Party committee and advanced unit of Henan Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development for many years, excellent unit of innovation and entrepreneurship and advanced unit of graduate employment and Entrepreneurship of Henan Provincial Department of education


It has set up 44 majors and directions


There are 6 members of the professional Steering Committee of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, 5 provincial vocational education teaching experts, 1 famous teacher in Central Plains, 1 backbone teacher in Henan Province, 17 academic and technical leaders of Henan Provincial Department of education, 2 excellent teachers in Henan Province, and 1 Chinese technical guidance expert for the plastering and partition system project of the 45th world skills competition


What is higher vocational enrollment expansion? Higher vocational enrollment expansion refers to the implementation of enrollment expansion in higher vocational colleges, which belongs to university enrollment expansion


Reform and improve the examination form and content, focusing on the separate examination in higher vocational colleges


It has won many awards in the mass spiritual civilization creation activity of “two innovations and two struggles” of the provincial education system for two consecutive years, For three consecutive years, it has won the honorary title of “the best demonstration college of higher education employment quality in Henan” in the social evaluation of colleges and universities in the province organized by Henan Daily Group, forming the school spirit of “being realistic, rigorous, United and forge ahead”


There are more than 300 double qualified teachers with national registered architects, registered structural engineers, registered builders, registered cost engineers and registered equipment engineers


In terms of professional construction, it not only emphasizes creating professional characteristics according to the laws of each specialty, but also emphasizes strengthening the connection and connection training between various professional groups with the focus on the construction of professional groups, so as to establish a professional system that is highly consistent with the needs of local economic and industrial development and has distinct industrial advantages


However, what are the enrollment conditions for the expansion of enrollment in Higher Vocational Colleges in Henan? When do you sign up? 2021 Henan occupation occupation occupation enrollment conditions Henan higher vocational enrollment expansion conditions for enrollment with high school education or equivalent education, that is, with the registered residence of the province, with high school education qualifications (including ordinary secondary vocational school, vocational secondary school, vocational high school, adult secondary school, technical school) or equal educational level, healthy, should be secondary vocational schools and ordinary high school graduates


In 2021, Henan Higher Vocational enrollment expansion policy and enrollment expansion plan are moderately inclined to poor areas, especially contiguous poverty-stricken areas


It has built three provincial characteristic majors of construction engineering technology, project cost and building decoration engineering technology, including construction engineering technology, project cost, building decoration engineering technology and building intelligent engineering technology There are five comprehensive reform pilot projects of municipal engineering technology in Henan Province, and the Provincial Department of Education approved the establishment of Qin Jiying studio of construction engineering and Wang Hui studio of project cost



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