Heavyweight health building incorporated into local legislation!

The Municipal People’s government can timely improve the requirements of green building development in combination with the actual situation of the city, issue and implement higher requirements of green building standards


Article 6 the Municipal People’s Government shall list the development of green buildings as a comprehensive evaluation index, and assess the relevant departments and District People’s governments


“Draft” focuses on people-oriented, improve building health performance


The draft continued to implement this idea and emphasized the “healthy building” in a separate section


The sub district office is responsible for coordinating the creation of green communities


Section 2 construction and operation Article 12 the construction unit shall carry out the construction in accordance with the green development requirements specified in the construction project planning license, strengthen the quality management of the whole process of construction, and bear the responsibility for the project quality management of the construction unit


The construction unit shall not express or imply that the unit entrusted by it violates the standards of building energy conservation, green building, prefabricated building and healthy building in project design, construction and supervision


Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, people pay more and more attention to the health performance of the built environment


Shenzhen took the lead in issuing the health regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, which clearly put forward the requirements of healthy Shenzhen construction, put people’s health in the priority development strategic position, and integrated health into all policies


Article 2 this article applies to the planning, construction, operation, transformation and other activities related to green buildings in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, as well as the supervision, management, guidance and incentive of the development of green buildings such as healthy buildings, prefabricated buildings, green communities and green urban areas


Article 13 design, construction and supervision units shall carry out design, construction and supervision activities in accordance with the relevant technical specifications and standards for building energy conservation, green building and prefabricated building, as well as the requirements for green building grade and prefabricated building.


New buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the current national green building standard of no less than one star


Article 9 during the stages of project approval, planning, design and construction of new, reconstructed and expanded buildings, green development instructions or special chapters shall be prepared to specify the requirements for green buildings, building energy conservation and prefabricated buildings


If not, the construction project planning license shall not be applied for


Article 3 the work of green building shall follow the following principles: (1) the principles of overall planning, adjusting measures to local conditions and economic applicability; (2) the principles of people-oriented, green and low-carbon, health and environmental protection; (3) the principles of government guidance, market promotion and public participation


The compilation requirements of the green development special chapter shall be formulated by the municipal competent department


The key points of green development review shall be jointly formulated by the Department of planning and natural resources and the municipal competent department


The construction unit shall make clear the relevant index requirements of building energy saving, green building, prefabricated building and healthy building when carrying out the bidding or entrustment of construction project consultation, design, construction and supervision, so as to ensure that the building materials, building components, facilities and equipment applied in the construction project meet the relevant index requirements of the key points of green building development review


Focus on the division of responsibilities of relevant government departments, change the current problems of less, scattered and slow promotion, strengthen the overall improvement of building physical performance, environmental comfort, fitness facilities and fitness places, humanistic care for all ages, mental health, property service management and other aspects in the whole process of architectural design and operation, create a healthy environment, improve health security, and develop the health industry, Improve the health level of residents


Large public buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the current national green building standard of no less than two stars


Chapter II green buildings section 1 planning and project approval article 7 green buildings shall be managed at different levels


Units and individuals that have made remarkable achievements in the development of green buildings may be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state


The special planning for green building development shall conform to the land and space planning, and be connected with the relevant special planning for ecological environment protection, comprehensive utilization of energy, comprehensive utilization of water resources, development and utilization of underground space, comprehensive utilization of solid waste, and urban infrastructure


Article 8 the municipal and district competent departments may, together with the development and reform, natural resources and other departments, organize the preparation of special plans for the development of green buildings, which shall be incorporated into the national economic and social development plans of this Municipality


The district housing construction administrative department is responsible for the guidance and supervision of green building development within its jurisdiction


Article 5 the District People’s Government (including the administrative organ of the New District, the same below) shall, in accordance with the green building development tasks and requirements put forward by the Municipal People’s government, formulate the annual implementation plan of its jurisdiction and organize its implementation


On January 26, 2021, the general office of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Congress issued an announcement on the public solicitation of opinions on the green building regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (Draft), which incorporated healthy buildings into the green building development regulations of the special economic zone, expanded the connotation of high-quality development of green buildings, and played an exemplary role in the promotion and implementation of healthy buildings in China


The special plan for green building development should clarify the development objectives, key development areas, new construction technology routes and green transformation of existing buildings, and determine the green building indicators and layout requirements of various civil buildings, green ecological communities and urban areas


The planning, natural resources and urban renewal departments shall, when applying for the construction project planning license, examine whether the design of the construction project scheme conforms to the key points of green development examination


Article 4 the Municipal People’s Government shall incorporate the development of green buildings into the national economic and social development plan, coordinate major issues in the development of green buildings in the city, and supervise and assess the implementation of relevant departments


The draft is as follows: Annex 1: contents of green building regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (Draft): Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II green building section I planning and project approval Section II construction and operation Chapter III healthy and low carbon section I healthy building section II low carbon management section III new building industrialization Chapter IV green city section I green society In order to promote the development of green low-carbon buildings, promote the construction of green cities and improve the living environment, these Regulations are formulated in accordance with the basic principles of relevant laws and administrative regulations and in combination with the reality of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone


The municipal construction department is responsible for the following work: (1) formulating the city’s green building development special plan and annual implementation plan; (2) organizing the preparation of green building related technical specifications and standards together with relevant departments, and issuing and implementing them; (3) guiding and supervising the city’s green building development


Article 10 the feasibility study report or design specification of a construction project shall include a special chapter on green development of buildings, specify the green building grade, technology, energy conservation and emission reduction, prefabricated buildings, etc., and incorporate the incremental cost into the project investment budget


Article 11 the Department of planning, natural resources and urban renewal shall indicate the grade of green buildings and the requirements for prefabricated buildings in the contract for the assignment of the right to the use of state-owned construction land or the decision on the allocation of state-owned land, as well as the planning license for construction projects


The planning and natural resources department shall incorporate the relevant contents of the special green building development planning into the regulatory detailed planning, and specify the green building grade and prefabricated building requirements in the planning conditions of construction land according to the regulatory detailed planning


Buildings mentioned in these Regulations include civil buildings and industrial buildings


Development and reform, finance, human resources, planning and natural resources, scientific and technological innovation, industry and informatization, ecological environment, transportation, urban management, water, statistics, finance and other departments should do a good job in the development of green buildings within their respective responsibilities



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