Gujiao construction qualification


In 2016, a total of 29 qualified enterprises were added, and one enterprise won the Construction Award Grade I qualification for professional contracting of wall engineering and grade I qualification for professional contracting of building decoration engineering.

Some construction enterprises without qualification certificates obtain certificates of relevant levels of construction qualification through some cheating methods.

Second, the construction qualification forms a reasonable enterprise organizational structure.


Qualification is the “threshold” of bidding activities , only with it can we engage in relevant construction activities and carry out project bidding within its allowed industries and scope.


Planned cities: Beijing (Beijing), Tianjin (Tianjin), Heilongjiang (HEI), Jilin (Ji), Liaoning (Liao), Hebei (Ji), Henan (Yu) and Shandong (Lu) , Shanxi (Jin), Shaanxi (Shan), Inner Mongolia (Inner Mongolia), Ningxia (ning), Gansu (long, GaN), Xinjiang (Xin), Qinghai (Qing).

At present, there are more than 500 employees, the proportion of professional and technical personnel is more than 60%, and the number of registered technical talents with medium and high-grade technical titles and more than class I qualifications ranks in the forefront of the operation.

General contracting qualification for construction: construction, municipal administration, electric power, electromechanical equipment, highway, railway, port and waterway, water conservancy and hydropower, mining, metallurgical quality, chemical petroleum and communication.

service guide.

Construction qualification, as an index of the enterprise, has an important and far-reaching impact on the enterprise The target recognition and certification can greatly improve the enterprise’s own operation and management level, and also improve the business level of customers and engineering.

  According to the Xiaobian of, the competent construction Department of Huainan city actively helped the construction industry and supervision enterprises to improve their qualification level through policy guidance and tracking services.

Zhaocai cat enterprise processing consulting (Sichuan) Co., Ltd.

In 2016, it completed the training of various construction project management personnel for about 3000 people and the training of front-line operators for more than 10000 people; it successfully conducted the unified examination for more than 5000 professional posts on the construction and municipal engineering construction site; a total of 944 registered constructors and supervisors There are 117 engineers, and all 1814 constructors in the city have entered the credit platform; they have completed the preliminary examination of Engineering Series professional and technical titles of non-state-owned construction enterprises in Huainan on time, and made great efforts to solve the problem of lack of talents.

At the same time, it supervised and guided socialized training institutions, strengthened the education and training of employees, and steadily enhanced the overall strength of Huainan’s construction industry.

At present, there are 409 construction enterprises in the city (including Shouxian county) In addition, one class a supervision enterprise has completed the renewal of its qualification and one class B supervision enterprise is in the process of upgrading its qualification.

Through qualification management, the enterprise establishes branches or subsidiaries, straightens out the relationship between parent and subsidiary companies, optimizes the elements of resource allocation, and organizes advantageous enterprises, high-quality assets and excellent talents to make key breakthroughs, so as to form a reasonable industrial structure Form a diversified, international and strategic business pattern.

It is a company approved and registered by Gujiao Administration for Industry and commerce, providing qualification, qualification handling, qualification agency, qualification transfer of various construction engineering qualifications, handling safety production licenses and providing talent services for construction enterprises (class I and class II constructor, middle and senior engineer, technician certificate, etc.) Enterprise management consulting company, providing efficient resource services for enterprise development.

Enterprises undertaking construction projects should collect information, display their corporate image and participate in bidding competition.

Zhaocai cat headquarters is located in Chengdu, Sichuan, a “small Hong Kong” in Southwest China, enjoying the “land of abundance” Laudatory name.

The importance of construction qualification to enterprises: first, construction qualification enhances competitiveness.

Qualification management brings a sense of crisis to the enterprise, so that the enterprise always pays attention to improving the comprehensive reality of personnel quality, management level, technical ability, project quality and so on If the enterprise qualification is downgraded, the enterprise will also face a survival crisis.

With more than 10 years of intensive cultivation, our business has covered the whole southwest region and promoted to the whole country.

Plate Bolt Anchor

It is necessary to improve the business development, production output value and profit of enterprises The construction industry obtains the construction qualification certificate of the industry, which has an important and far-reaching impact on the enterprise’s external publicity, brand trust, optimization of internal organizational structure, orderly integration of resources and improvement of operation and management level.

If the project is caused by poor personnel control and limited technical level in construction Accidents will make engineering enterprises get the greatest negative impact…

Com) referred to as zhaocaimao.

construction qualification improves the operation and management level of enterprises.

Tel: 13881983131 zhaocaimao construction wechat: 13881983131 Gujiao zhaocaimao Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

The level, category and scope of qualification are related to the competitive position and ability of enterprises in the construction market, directly affect the business performance of enterprises, and thus have a significant impact on the survival and development of enterprises.

Professional contracting qualification for construction: Environmental protection, decoration, electromechanical equipment, building curtain wall, ancient architecture and city And road lighting, electronics and intelligence, fire protection, waterproof, anti-corrosion and thermal insulation, steel structure, formwork and scaffold, foundation, lifting equipment, ready mixed concrete, bridge, tunnel, highway pavement, highway subgrade, highway transportation, railway electricity, railway track laying and girder erection, railway electrification, airport runway, civil aviation air traffic control, airport visual navigation aid, port and coast, waterway Navigable buildings, port and shipping equipment and water traffic management, hydraulic metal structure fabrication and equipment, water conservancy and hydropower electromechanical equipment, river and lake regulation, power transmission and transformation, nuclear engineering, offshore oil and special services.

Enterprise construction qualification is a measure of environment, construction capacity One of the important indicators of past performance, enterprise reputation, personnel status, management level, quotation level, financial ability and other factors.

We started in Chengdu and took Shu as the mainland.

The level and category of construction qualification are directly related to the competitiveness and external brand advantages of the enterprise.

Tibet (Tibet), Hubei (Hubei), Anhui (Anhui), Jiangsu (Jiangsu), Shanghai (Shanghai), Zhejiang (Zhejiang), Fujian (min), Hunan (Hunan), Jiangxi (GAN), Sichuan (Sichuan, Shu), Chongqing (Chongqing) , Guizhou (Guizhou, Guizhou), Yunnan (Yunnan, Yunnan), Guangdong (Guangdong), Guangxi (Guangxi), Hainan (Hainan), Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Macao (Macao) and Taiwan (Taiwan).

provides you with all-round supply: the latest construction information.


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