Guangdong │ notice on printing and distributing the guidelines for calculation of building carbon emissions (for Trial Implementation)

Please refer to the actual situation.

235): in order to thoroughly implement the new development concept, promote green and low-carbon development in the field of urban and rural construction, and standardize the calculation method of building carbon emissions in Guangdong Province, Our office organized the preparation of guidelines for calculation of building carbon emissions (Trial).

It is hereby printed and distributed to you.

The carbon emissions from the concrete required for building construction and the production process of prefabricated construction are included in the carbon emissions in the construction stage.

Therefore, the essence of building carbon emissions is the sum of carbon emissions in multiple industrial fields caused by construction activities.

Building carbon emission involves many industries.

Annex: guidelines for calculation of building carbon emissions Guangdong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development December 30, 2021 Abstract: building carbon emissions are defined as the carbon emissions generated by buildings in the three stages of construction, operation and demolition.

Guidelines for calculation of building carbon emissions (for Trial Implementation) Guangdong Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development at the end of PDF version in December 2021.

PVC Chamfer

If the project does not adopt fabricated components, the energy consumption of this part is zero.

Notice of the Department of housing and urban rural development of Guangdong Province on printing and distributing the guidelines for calculation of building carbon emissions (for Trial Implementation) (yjk [2021] No.

For example, the fabricated construction is mainly completed by the manufacturing industry, the construction involves the construction industry, and the carbon emission in the process of building use is mainly caused by power supply.

The carbon emission in the construction stage mainly comes from three aspects: first, the energy consumption of some building materials processing, including the carbon emission generated by the processing of concrete and the production and processing of prefabricated building components; second, the carbon emission generated by the construction personnel working and living on the site, including shed air conditioning, lighting, etc; Third, construction energy consumption, including the use of construction equipment, power consumption, fuel consumption, etc.

The energy consumed in the production and processing of prefabricated building components includes electricity, diesel, gasoline and other energy consumed in the production process of prefabricated components, excluding the energy consumed in the production of raw materials of prefabricated components.


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