great! Can architecture play like this?! He used barbed wire to break out dream castles

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Copyright note: if there is any infringement on the Internet, what should architecture look like in your mind? Traditional cement building materials? Common square appearance? Nowadays, all over the world, architecture has already broken through the common cognition of people


From all kinds of new building materials to strange shapes, architecture is no longer the traditional impression


Have you ever thought that buildings can float in mid air? Have you ever thought that iron wire can make a castle? If you can’t imagine the above two assumptions, take a look at the following photos


After the castle is deconstructed, it floats in the night: the special building materials of iron wire make the setting sun seem to penetrate the building body; the whole building complex is like a painting full of neat lines: it is very dreamy and has a sense of future


Do you think the buildings in these photos are like computer coloring, not real ones? However, if you have the opportunity to go to the United States, Italy and other places, you will find that these dream buildings made of barbed wire really stand in front of you, and you can get the touch


Edoardo tresoldi is the creator behind these fantastic buildings: Italy, known as the cradle of the Renaissance, is always full of excellent artists, such as Edoardo tresoldi


Edoardo, 33, was born in Cambiago, a small town in Milan, Italy


He was very interested in art since childhood


He began to learn painting when he was about 8 or 9 years old


In 2009, in order to pursue his artistic dream, he came to Rome


In the big city of Edoardo, he came into contact with a larger art circle, and thus found his more interested development direction — Architecture, sculpture and scenery design


Soon, Edoardo found a job in film setting in Rome


In the process of his work, he met many artists and friends


Maybe it’s under the influence of these friends, or maybe it’s the persistent pursuit of art in my heart


This nine to five job, Edoardo didn’t work for long, and soon transformed into a free artist


But the question comes again


There are thousands of artists


What kind of art can we do to stand out? In fact, Edoardo already has his own plan in mind – to do what he likes, but also to do something different


He’s going to make sculptures, and he’s going to make sculptures with barbed wire that no one can imagine


In Edoardo’s opinion, barbed wire is very common in life, and it has high plasticity, which can stimulate his unlimited imagination


In this way, Edoardo developed steel wire mesh into a unique creative medium of his artistic career


For the reason of learning art from childhood, sculpture modeling is not too difficult for Edoardo


He created a series of life sized statues of barbed wire: from the figure’s posture to dress folds, the barbed wire without artistic sense to outsiders is molded into a vivid sculpture by Edoardo


However, behind these perfect works of art, the creation process is still quite difficult


Because of this special material, band aids have become one of the necessary items in Edoardo’s pocket all the time: when the tool can not achieve the desired effect, he will directly “bend” the wire mesh with his bare hands, and use his own hands to depict the details: scars and blood are permanent on Edoardo’s hands “Decoration”: for Edoardo, these are nothing at all


After all, for the sake of what he likes, what’s wrong with this little injury? The biggest smile on Edoardo’s face is his earnest work under the camera


You can feel his sincere love for this matter through the photos: he uses more and more barbed wire, and his statues are getting bigger and bigger: from 2013 to 2015, Edoardo made bigger and bigger statues of barbed wire, which appear on the houses on the street corner or on the seaside Next to the house, sitting or standing, thinking or overlooking: Edoardo gives infinite life and vitality to the barbed wire: clearly through “they” you can clearly see the picture on the other side of the body, and clearly the light beam can easily penetrate “their” body, but the sense of existence of these sculptures is very strong, people can’t move their eyes: in 2018, Edoardo put his iron When the wire mesh is brought to a building in Barcelona, it looks like a piece of disordered decorative lace from a distance


When you look closer, you will be surprised to find that the figure hidden in the wire mesh has a very three-dimensional sense: with the change of light or different perspectives, it will present a different face: the spirit is generally suspended on the high-rise, mysterious and interesting: in addition to the figure sculpture, Edoardo has also begun to make a breakthrough In 2016, Edoardo and his creative team perfectly restored a church damaged by the earthquake in southern Italy with barbed wire: the material of barbed wire is not only not abrupt, but also adds a ghost and strange atmosphere to this relic


The restoration of this church makes itself desolate here gradually It has attracted more and more tourists: in 2017, Edoardo was invited to Dubai to design the setting for the United Arab Emirates


In the nearly 7000 square meters of venue, Edoardo pulled up a fantastic sky with barbed wire; the common elements in the castle, such as arches, colonnades, etc., were brought to the venue by Edoardo, which was magnificent: in the same year, Edoardo also served Paris, France In 2018, the cochella Music Festival in California opened, and Edoardo brought three barbed wire castles with a height of more than 15 meters to this land full of artistic feeling: the texture is strange, as if it is a future building; the lighting makes people feel very wonderful: in 2019, Edoardo’s barbed wire entered the fashion circle and appeared in the fashion week On the show: also in 2019, Edoardo made innovation again


He combined the barbed wire and traditional building materials to build a building complex with striking appearance in Italy


Edoardo brought fresh blood to the construction industry with barbed wire


These fantastic buildings can be directly used as computer desktops no matter they are viewed from a distance or from a close view: at present, Edoardo is still at the same level In his own barbed wire creation, his creation is not limited to statues or buildings


Some time ago, he cooperated with a number of musicians to build an illusory stage for musicians in the park: listening to a concert here must be an unforgettable experience


Whether it’s the concert stage or other buildings, these mirages are all made of “stiff” iron wire


Perhaps the wonder of art lies in this


If you have a chance to experience such iron wire buildings, you really need to see them with your own eyes! Copyright notice: we will indicate the author and source of the articles we push, unless it is impossible to confirm


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