Feng Guochuan: My architecture and I both speak Mandarin

I just know my parents were born here.

Shi Gang (left) and Li Juchuan (right) Shao: It’s equivalent to opening up your building road.

The homework of senior students can stimulate us freshmen even more.

Li’s views on architecture.

They are twin brothers named Li Gan and Li Lian.

The reason why I chose Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering is that my ancestral home is Chongqing.

I speak Mandarin and am always wandering.

So I came to Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering (School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University) to learn urban planning.


He got the time machine, found the painter, and found that the painter Masawi was just a stupid bastard.

It seems to me that regionalism is preventing us from liberating ourselves- Follow the leader with a little knowledge and gradually define the target Shao Bing (chief editor of architectural archives, hereinafter referred to as “Shao”): When did you begin to be interested in architecture? Feng Guochuan (hereinafter referred to as “Feng”): I grew up in an iron and steel design institute in Inner Mongolia.

Zizek mentioned the science fiction short story “The Discovery of Morniel Mathaway” by William Tenn.

In fact, when I went to Chongqing, I didn’t regard Chongqing as my hometown.

At that time, I asked a lot of people which major did not learn mathematics.

What they have done has brought us credit.

At that time, the students were very vigorous and did a variety of homework.

Shao: Chongqing is very different from where you live, isn’t it? Why did you choose to study in Chongqing? Feng: Yes.

However, until today, my understanding of architecture is still far away from Li Juchuan.

Heidegger gave me the enlightenment of criticizing regionalism: Heidegger was attached to land like a farmer, but he pointed out that the most important thing for people is to constantly generate, create, and change themselves.

On the contrary, I hate the idea of regionalism in architecture.

I did not get good grades at that time, so I chose it.

I want to come back and see what this place looks like and what the city looks like..

Is this very like that Masawi fan trapped in a stranger’s space? The two brothers found people everywhere to discuss architecture with them, which led me and several other students.

It was about a person who studied the history of art who found that the paintings of a painter named Masawi in history were different at that time.

The two brothers had no hope, so they had to reshape the pioneering spirit that reconstruction workers should have in their minds by themselves.

Li Juchuan recommended Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering, because in the late 1980s, the architecture department of Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering was the most thoughtful and creative architecture department in China.

This is the dialogue scene of Architectural Archives! Feng Guochuan, Executive Chief Architect of Zhubo Design, founder of “Tongzhu” Children’s Architecture Education Institution, is a person without hometown.

In general, Li Juchuan is the leader who leads me to architecture.

Later, I found that my urban planning class was much more interesting than my architecture class.

When they graduated, they asked Li Juchuan where he would go to study as a graduate student.

A large part of Chinese architecture is dazzling, and few are ideological and social.

Later, Masawi stole the time machine and went to another time and space.

It’s not a pity for me to have no hometown.

The efforts of the two brothers made a small area of the department of architecture of the reconstruction workers regain the atmosphere of the past, which was actually brought back by the two brothers from outside.

It was through Li Gan and Li Lian that I learned some of Li Juchuan’s ideas, as well as some books and movies from them.

After they arrived at Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering, they met us who were just in the third grade.

Li Gan and Li Lian also felt this way when they came to Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering.

After five or six years, the Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering has lost its spirit.

They went to graduate school in 1994 or so.

They are the source of my initial understanding of the work of architects.

Finally, I learned that architecture in engineering has the lowest requirements for mathematics and can draw pictures (which is what I have always liked).

Shao: Since when did you really have a relationship with architecture? Feng: The first three years of urban planning of Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering are basically the same as the architecture course, so I began to formally learn architecture from the first year of college.

They also frantically do international competitions and find interesting books.

I felt very strange.

The people who studied painting stayed at that time, so he had to paint all the paintings of Massavi that he remembered.

I want to know what my hometown is like when I go to college.

Feng: It is ironic that Li Gan and Li Lian came to Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering.

09 is a documentary and inspired by dialogue.

Feng Guochuan, Shi Gang, Li Gan, Zhao Hui and Li Lian were at Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering in 1995.

When I first chose architecture, I didn’t love architecture, but I was afraid of mathematics.

I may have seriously simplified and distorted Mr.

I heard that urban planning and architecture are similar, which may be a bit more unpopular.

Li Juchuan happened to have two students who went to Chongqing Institute of Architecture and Engineering to study as postgraduates after graduation.

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People who studied paintings wanted to go to that time to see what was going on.

There are architects in the iron and steel design institute.

In fact, what really guided me in architecture was not our college teachers, but Li Juchuan from Wuhan University of Technology.

However, I soon lost interest in what the teachers taught me.

Feng Guochuan’s college friends (Zhu Ye, Zhang Hai, Shi Gang, Feng Guochuan), I followed my curiosity for the first two years of school and had no direction.

In addition, we are lucky to have an excellent art teacher named Huang Jian, who has made several of our students interested in contemporary art.


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