Experience sharing of the first place in the whole system of three directions and four subjects of architectural theory

Before postgraduate entrance examination, you must examine your goals, strengths and weaknesses.

Although the theoretical score was good, the question soon hung up.

After that, I tried to find a job, even took the public examination, met it several times, and then talked with my classmates and teachers.

I don’t mean to grasp the details, but to abandon the psychology of luck and fight steadily step by step, not opportunistic, which is very important for the rhythm and mentality of review in the later stage of postgraduate entrance examination.

I chose the technical direction of Tianda architecture with the following considerations: first of all, the strength of Tianda architecture needless to say, it is also very fair in admission, and does not discriminate against undergraduate colleges and interprofessional candidates.

In fact, I went through many detours in the first year of postgraduate entrance examination.

The methods vary from person to person, which is only for your reference Click the picture to jump to the full version of the experience article ✦✦ the third champion of well degree theory ✦ 824 comprehensive 140 points of construction technology (the first direction of Architectural Physics) on the way of postgraduate entrance examination, choice is much more important than effort.

As the old saying goes, there must be a market in business, and the well is the city — Guanzi xiaokuang once again said that the well is reasonable, and the well is reasonable — Xunzi Confucian effect, as one of the three track systems of the whole year’s curriculum of Jingdu architecture theory, has successively brought many experience articles in all directions to the students.

First explain why the professional course chose architectural structure rather than architectural physics.

2 of Jingdu theory ✦ 737 comprehensive theory of architectural history 125 points (first) if you carefully analyze the theoretical papers over the past ten years, you will find that the Buddhist temples and altar temples of gardens, tombs and religious buildings are the most frequently inspected, followed by cities, palaces and pagodas, and finally the basic knowledge of architectural history.

Without in-depth understanding of the Tianda exam, he read blindly and had no focus.

It was unexpected to lose the list in the first year.

Then, because of my great ambition, in the case of feeling that the 22-year postgraduate entrance examination will be very voluminous, combined with the goal of sprinting for high scores, I think that in the alternative of architectural structure and architectural physics, the influencing factor of “upper limit of score” is higher than “review difficulty”.

Let me share some personal experiences and lessons in the process of preparing for the test.

An important reason why I choose the technical direction is that my hand drawing foundation is very poor.

He didn’t find himself doing a lot of useless work until after the summer vacation.

Secondly, I personally feel that with the decline of the heat of the construction industry, it may be too introverted to simply take the design direction.

I always wanted to learn everything and couldn’t grasp the key points.

He was depressed for a long time.

Another important point is that although the examination has key points, it should be mastered as a whole.

The two business courses in the direction of architectural technology are number two and architectural physics / structure.

In the review of professional courses, the technical direction only needs to specialize in one of the books of architectural physics or architectural structure, and the review content is less, and the test content of Tianda is completely based on the knowledge points in the book of Architectural Physics (Liu Xiaotu of Southeast University), so you can read the textbook thoroughly.

At the same time, click the picture to view the introduction of Jingdu’s annual curriculum system.

After inquiring about and analyzing the achievements of senior students and sisters in previous years, it was slightly found that architectural structure is easier to give high scores than architectural physics, so we chose architectural structure..

This will only be mentioned later.

Later, I listened to the seniors and sisters draw the key points and analyze them one by one.

The following four seniors and sisters are the highest scores in the theory of architecture in the three directions, with proud results.

Some young partners may not know the similarities and differences of the examination scope in the three directions of professional courses of Tianjin University, so Jingdu has made a table to help them understand intuitively.

Choosing the technical direction (mainly the research of sound, light and heat) can not only continue to engage in architectural design after graduation, but also choose architectural lighting, acoustics, green construction and other directions; The last is the difficulty of postgraduate entrance examination.

Although I began to prepare early after the Spring Festival, I wasted a lot of time to tell the truth.

After talking about your own situation, I won’t talk much.

But after learning a stage of fast question design, I felt devastated by fast question design; And carefully tap personal interests, prefer mathematical logic rather than image design; Combined with the analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses, it is finally determined to give up the design test technology.

I found that one of the fundamental reasons why my life didn’t move forward was that I still didn’t put it down, so I still wanted to fight for it again.

Here are the learning of four major subjects and the process of preparing for the exam Click the picture to jump to the full version of experience article ✦ ✦ No.

After determining the goal of postgraduate study, I certainly want to take the postgraduate entrance examination in the direction of architectural design.

Fixing Socket Angular End

Because at the beginning, he was like a headless fly.

Suitable for students who start to review later and have a certain foundation in Mathematics Click the picture to jump to the full version of experience article ✦✦ top four in well degree theory ✦ 824 architectural technology synthesis 146 points (architectural structure direction first) my undergraduate major is architecture.

Fast problem is a subject I’m not good at.

✦ one of the top scholars in Jingdu theory ✦ 355 basic architecture 135 points (first) I was a World War II student.

He was very busy every day and had enough time to study, but the efficiency was not high.

On the basis of grasping the overall situation, I paid attention to the big and let go of the small, and the review was on the right track.

The first tone: professional courses, after all, we have learned them once during our undergraduate period, so this is the most easy subject to get high scores among the four subjects.

Many students responded that the preparation experience of senior students and sisters who have landed is indeed helpful to sort out the preparation planning of the whole year.

At the beginning of my review, I was confused.

They are specially selected as the top students collection post, hoping to gain some benefits for everyone’s study.


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