Dedan | My little brother in 1996, unmarried, bachelor’s degree, building engineering technology, 178cm tall, self-motivated, I hope to find

Personal Information Nickname: Zhou Gender: Male Age: 26 Height: 178cm Weight: 63kg Education: Undergraduate Native Place: Qingcheng, Qingyang City, Gansu Province Occupation: Construction Engineering Technology Monthly Salary: 6000 Marriage History: Unmarried Work Location: Qingcheng Self introduction Good personality, self-motivated and responsible, caring for his family, mature and stable.

I want you to know that there is a person in this world who will wait for you forever.

People say that when you meet your loved one, time stops.

Halfen Channel

The standard of spouse selection is no bad hobby, there is a stable job, and the best development is in Qingyang.

After settling down in Xifeng, you can buy a house.

If you want to know more, please.

No matter when or where you are, you know there will always be such a person! I want to hold hands.


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