CSCEC open recruitment! The past can be reported, and the monthly salary is high!

You are welcome to forward it to your partners looking for jobs! Recruitment position ★ policy research post of the Group Office trade union post of the Ministry of enterprise culture basic conditions: good conduct, loyal to the enterprise, identify with and follow the corporate culture concept of CSCEC, good team spirit and personal professionalism; Have professional knowledge and skills required by job responsibilities; More than 3 years of grass-roots experience or more than 2 years of overseas experience; In principle, the age shall not exceed 40; Have good psychological quality and good health; The initial education background is full-time bachelor degree or above, and English has passed CET-4; Under the same conditions, ex servicemen are preferred.

Double Ended Ferrule

Follow the “daily recruitment of state-owned enterprises” in blue.

Group office policy research post (3 persons) (sliding upward).


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