Before I saw this set of information, I wanted to give up studying architecture

Volume 2 (Third Edition) 3.

Where do you have time to go out to play Tat? Why is your plan killed by the teacher every day? The teacher disliked my scheme “not according to common sense”, but where did I get so much “common sense”? Is it only me who owes IQ as soon as I do design?! When you made the plan, did you check the architectural design data collection…

Volume 7 transportation | logistics | industry | Municipal Administration (Third Edition) 8.

Volume 4 education | culture | religion | Expo | performance 5.

Click the card below to focus on the design of small classrooms.

The data part shows the data catalog 1 Volume 1 general introduction to architecture (Third Edition) 2.

Volume 3 office | finance | justice | radio, television | postal 4.

It’s very sad.

Volume 5 leisure and entertainment | catering | Hotel | business 6.

Volume 8 architectural topics (Third Edition) How can we not always have such a comprehensive reference book for architectural design? The official account is official account.

Volume 6 sports | medical | welfare (Third Edition) 7.

Round Bar Ferrule

The design of the classroom is the answer to the NP architecture.

Sometimes even if they do it hard, problems will emerge one after another.

When you are confused about the design idea of the scheme, when you are confused about the functional process and design points, or even when you carry out plane layout or furniture layout, open it, and you will get a satisfactory answer.

You can immediately take the whole set of information.

In fact, they lack a set of reference books.

We will pay attention to the WeChat code in the classroom..

The one I gave you last time!!! I believe many young friends have such a feeling that when they do design, it seems that they are in arrears in intelligence and don’t know how to design.

Welcome to all of us, and we will share more dry cargo and skills with you.

The only one in Contemporary Chinese architecture is known as the “book of heaven” A good reference book is like a human crutch.

Do you want to go out together during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday? Recently, the design class is always killed by the teacher.


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