[b0808] in 1990, a construction engineer working in Jinan was looking for an unmarried girl with a college degree or above and a height of more than 162 cm in Mudan District (if you want to work together in Jinan, you may not be limited to any region)

He has bought a car and bought a house


I hope you are virtuous, filial and optimistic about the future


He lives in Mudan District


The house has been carefully decorated for more than half a year as a wedding room


Maybe we are not good enough for the time being, but we haven’t met yet


B0808: Mr


I have four sisters, all married


After marriage, they can stay in Jinan to fight together, or they can go back to their hometown to work


Requirements for mate selection: college degree or above, unmarried, height of 162 cm or above, girl from Mudan District (consider fighting together in Jinan, regardless of region)


Now I want to get married as soon as possible and take an important step in my life


Architectural Engineer, engaged in engineering identification and testing work, currently working in a state-owned enterprise in Jinan, stable work, graduated from university so far


He is 171 cm tall and weighs 65 kg


Zhou, born in May 1990, is unmarried


I hope to meet you as soon as possible..



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