At that time, the whole Europe imitated Chinese architecture crazily; now, China imitated the whole world

Academic mission, true feelings more wonderful welcome to pay attention to the history of architecture welcome to contribute message exchange ques1 which city is this magnificent building located in China? Suzhou, China from the iron tower in the picture, we can see which piece of transformed village in the city is this? There are ten similar buildings in China


Where is this one? Anhui, China??? Have all the crooked buildings I know moved to China? Ha ha, there is only one truth


They are all fake ANS1 Suzhou Tower Bridge 2.0 Suzhou Tower Bridge 2.0 & the original London Tower Bridge 2.0 in Xiangcheng District of Suzhou


Its appearance is basically built according to the original bridge in London, England


But if you look at it carefully, the two towers have been upgraded to four, which looks even more magnificent


Unfortunately, in March this year, Suzhou transformed the bridge from a “London Bridge” to a “blockhouse bridge” in view of the public dispute over the “Shanzhai” of the bridge and the age of the facade materials


Ans2 Hangzhou · Paris: can you see the commercial housing around you? This is the flaw


If you just look at the tower, you can’t even tell the French..


In the Tiandu city of Hangzhou, which covers an area of more than 7000 mu, there are not only the same Eiffel Tower in Paris (3:1 copy), but also a magnificent Versailles garden and a large French architectural complex


Hangzhou’s “replica tower” & Eiffel Tower in France


If you carefully observe the details of the city, you will also show your feet


Some of the city sculptures are rough, even rude


A goddess here is forced to put on clothes in order to survive..


The stone column arcades in the square cut corners and use cement to cast


All the ornaments on the arch were omitted and replaced with flat paint


In fact, Hangzhou’s Tiandu city has existed for about 10 years, but the popularity of local real estate is dismal


Now the only economic activity is the wedding photography group


Ans3 Anhui Gao imitates the White House to make the picture black and white intentionally, hiding the eye-catching red flag


This government office building in a district of Anhui directly imitates the shape of the U.S


Capitol building, with a five-star red flag standing at the gate, which has the momentum of challenging the original white house across the sea


According to incomplete statistics, there are at least 10 “white houses” in China, which are the most high imitation buildings in China


These are just the tip of the iceberg


In the past 20 years, with the rapid development of urban and rural construction in China, simply imitating individual buildings can not meet our demonic pace of cottage


In a word, copying and pasting a European town “Nanning Amsterdam” Amsterdam in the Netherlands & is it too far for a Jiangxin Park in Nanning, Guangxi to go to Venice for a holiday? Spend billions to build it! “Dalian Venice” Saint Marco Square, Venice, Italy


At the beginning, it became popular with foreign tourists


But after the freshness is over, people no longer pursue it


One to one accurate reproduction of the town of the original town of Europe to make complaints about “Guangdong Hallstatt town” in 2012, Austria Hallstatt town exact replica in Guangdong Huizhou city was built, because God is like many people Tucao “high imitation”, caused many disputes at home and abroad, until the original town mayor Sulz came to support


“In the past, the financial liabilities of the small town, now the annual income of WC alone is 150000 euros, which is more than the land tax income, greatly driving the local economic development, which is very good for the development of the small town.” Halstadt, Austria & halstadt, Guangdong originally was not well-known, but since it was called “the most beautiful town in the world” on the Internet in China, it has attracted a large number of tourists from Asia


Halstadt, Austria, and later..


Our evil pace of “Shanzhai” has changed from “realism” to “magic”


The building of “Shijiazhuang Magic School” is the new campus of Hebei Academy of fine arts, and the nickname of “Hogwarts Hebei Branch” and “Shijiazhuang Magic School” is given by the people of the world


In 2014, the appearance of the castle was basically established, which triggered a group of Harry Potter fans to apply for the examination


As the Oriental Hogwarts, the stills of Harry Potter should not only inherit the tradition of European and American culture, but also combine with Chinese culture


The four stones at the door are engraved with four Chinese characters: “beauty”, “art”, “emperor” and “state”


The sculpture named “the goddess of victory who leads the way” has become the landmark here


(I didn’t make it up, it’s really called this name.) what’s more, on the right side of Hogwarts castle, there was a pavilion where emperor Amar met Xia Yuhe on the Bank of Daming Lake


It perfectly solves the scene limitation of Hengdian Movie City, and can shoot “huanzhuge vs


Harry Potter” here


Today, China is copying the whole world


At that time, the whole Europe was crazy about China


The story of China begins with the establishment of the Qing Dynasty in 1644


China has changed its Dynasty


The Dutch East India Company sent a delegation to Beijing to talk business with the emperor


The emperor was angry when he heard about the idea of equal trade


The negotiation ended in failure The troupe was very depressed, but John, the painter with the troupe, felt that his trip was worthwhile


He was deeply shocked by Chinese gardens


John said, “555 is so beautiful! Why don’t we have such a big garden in our hometown? After returning to his hometown in Europe, he immediately drew a book by memory of the visit of the envoys of the Dutch East India Company to the Qing Empire


Visiting the Forbidden City, he heard about by John


This book immediately caused a sensation in Europe and deeply influenced European gardens and architectural art: Versailles & Fontainebleau Palace in France


European classical gardens pursue symmetry and openness


Standing in one place, you can have a panoramic view of Suzhou, China In the following two hundred years, the Chinese style garden, which broke the European cognition, became a model of “the best garden form”


European royal families also planted almost all kinds of Chinese pavilions for resting, sightseeing and love


On January 7, 1700, Louis XIV, king of the sun, was in Versailles, France A grand Chinese dance was held in the palace


The exquisite Chinese Pavilion in the painting captured the mirror


01 the Chinese palace built by the king of Sweden


Queen lovisa of Sweden is an iron “Chinese powder”


In the 18th century, the king of Sweden secretly built the “Chinese palace” and gave it to her as a birthday gift


The empress Gao was in a bad mood


This “gift of love” has been preserved to this day


During the Rococo period, Frederick the great, the king of Prussia, was also a Chinese fan


He had to build a Chinese teahouse in Wuyou palace


The “Chinese teahouse” in the worry free palace in Potsdam, Germany, and the Rococo clad Chinese Pavilion, Frederick the great, had never been to China


That is to say, after Marco Polo, the explorers and travelers returned to the west, they talked to him in the clouds and then built it according to their imagination


The gilded figure sculpture of Chinese tea art at the gate is really based on imagination


The Chinese people in waiguoren’s mind still look like waiguoren, and the figure modeling is also as European style as ever


The dome is exquisitely painted


The color and style of the painting are quite Chinese


< 03 the Chinese tower in Munich, Germany, was built in 1790 by the German in the British Garden Based on the legend and the brain of the Chinese wooden tower.



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