Announcement on Recruitment of Staff in 2022 by the Audit Department of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd

Study and judge the rectification requirements and risk mitigation measures of relevant problems according to the rectification standards, urge the auditee to complete the rectification, and do a good job in the rectification evaluation; 7.

Comprehensively evaluate the implementation of the audit project, report the audit results, hold meetings and issue documents, and complete the collection, sorting and archiving of audit data; Participate in the formulation or revision of relevant systems and regulations, program standards, etc., promote the standardization of business processes, and constantly improve audit efficiency and quality.

Prepare the audit notice, design the audit plan, organize auditors, prepare the audit mobilization meeting according to the audit plan, and complete the pre audit preparations; 3.

Summarize the audit results, make a comprehensive evaluation of the audited unit or special management field, sort out the existing outstanding problems and risk issues, write audit reports, and complete the communication and reporting of the results and soliciting opinions; 5.

Recruitment positions: project audit post (1 person), economic responsibility audit post (1 person), investment audit post (1 person), information construction post (1 person) 2.

Summarize the audit results, make a comprehensive evaluation of the auditee, sort out the outstanding problems and risk issues, write the audit report, and complete the communication and reporting of the results and soliciting opinions; 6.

According to the work needs, the Audit Department of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.

Organize the implementation of the IT part of the audit project or provide relevant consulting services.

Comprehensively evaluate the implementation of the audit project, report the audit results, hold meetings and issue documents, and complete the collection, sorting and archiving of audit data; Participate in the formulation or revision of relevant systems and regulations, program standards, etc., promote the standardization of business processes, and continuously improve audit efficiency and quality; 8.

Prepare audit notice, design audit plan Organize the auditors, prepare the audit mobilization meeting, and complete the pre audit preparations; 2.

Including participating in the preparation of the audit plan for the IT part of the audit project, and auditing the planning, development, use and maintenance of the information system; 4.

(3) Investment audit post 1.

Be responsible for the publicity and promotion of audit information business, and assist in the promotion, operation and technical guidance of audit information system through on-site training, issuance of operation manuals, information service hotline, etc..

will open recruitment for the following positions globally.

Study and judge the rectification requirements and risk mitigation measures of relevant problems according to the rectification standards, urge the auditee to complete the rectification, and do a good job in the rectification evaluation; 6.

Summarize the audit results, make a comprehensive evaluation of the auditee, sort out the outstanding problems and risk issues, write an audit report, and complete the communication and reporting of the results and soliciting opinions; 5.

Organize the on-site implementation of the audit project, conduct pre audit research if necessary, coordinate the audited unit to do a good job of cooperation, and urge the submission of materials and data; Organize and coordinate the internal affairs of the audit team, optimize and adjust the audit plan, smoothly promote the audit project, and timely summarize and report the audit progress and main results; 3.

Write, prepare and review audit work papers, follow up the implementation of key audit contents, make objective and accurate judgments on specific audit matters and audit conclusions, and ensure the quality of audit work; 5.

(4) Information construction post 1.

Organize the on-site implementation of the audit project, conduct pre audit research if necessary, coordinate the audited unit to do a good job of cooperation, and urge the submission of materials and data; Organize and coordinate the internal affairs of the audit team, optimize and adjust the audit plan, smoothly promote the audit project, and timely summarize and report the audit progress and main results; 4.

Prepare and review audit work papers, systematically follow up the implementation of key audit contents, make objective and accurate judgments on specific audit matters and audit conclusions, and ensure the quality of audit work; 4.

According to the audit plan, prepare the audit notice, design the audit plan, organize the auditors, prepare for the audit mobilization meeting, and complete the pre audit preparations; 2.

Formulate the special audit plan for the investment of the Bureau, supervise the subordinate companies to formulate annual plans, and form the special audit plan for the investment of the global system.

Be responsible for studying and judging the rectification requirements and risk mitigation measures of relevant problems, urging the auditee to complete the rectification and do a good job in the rectification evaluation; 6.

(2) Economic responsibility audit post 1.

The recruitment positions and specific requirements are as follows: 1.

Be responsible for the analysis and application of information system data.

Including data sorting analysis and risk screening based on various data of information system to form data analysis report; 3.

Organize the establishment, maintenance and management of the basic database of the audit system.

Organize the on-site implementation of the audit project, conduct pre audit research if necessary, coordinate the audited unit to do a good job of cooperation, and urge the submission of materials and data; Organize and coordinate the internal affairs of the audit team, optimize and adjust the audit plan, smoothly promote the audit project, and timely summarize and report the audit progress and main results; 3.

Propose improvement suggestions on the security and effectiveness of the bureau information system; 5.

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Post responsibilities (1) Project audit post 1.

Write, prepare and review audit work papers, follow up the implementation of key audit contents, make objective and accurate judgments on specific audit matters and audit conclusions, and ensure the quality of audit work; 4.

Including coordinating the effective connection between the audit information system and various systems, and gradually optimizing the database; Continuously collect relevant laws, regulations and data information, and form a shared information base through sorting and analysis; 2.

Cooperate with the development of special stock audit, follow up the stock audit process in a timely manner, and implement the requirements of the stock and audit rectification.

Comprehensively evaluate the implementation of the audit project, report the audit results, hold meetings and issue documents, and complete the collection, sorting and archiving of audit data; Participate in the formulation or revision of relevant systems and regulations, program standards, etc., promote the standardization of business processes, and constantly improve audit efficiency and quality.


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