An elegant, natural and peaceful modern apartment in London’s historic buildings

This spacious apartment, though located in central London, has almost no British interior features


Apart from the gorgeous bay windows and the classic fireplace, which exudes the traces of British architecture with a long history, there is nothing else


In general, the interior decoration adopts elegant modern style and natural and calm colors, and most people may think that this kind of design should have appeared in Scandinavia rather than conservative England


But on the other hand, it is certain that the natural and simple modern decoration trend has also been introduced into this country which is very conservative in interior design


The original text is transferred from the new media of fashion home textile: Home Textile theory (M )Extended reading * Williams Burton Leopardi’s perfect appreciation of Australian modern design * color therapy: beautiful new works of designer Linda Ahman * fresh and ordinary Scandinavian apartment in Stockholm * bold and funny attempt for winter home: H & MHome Launched the joint series with designer Johnathan Adler * zarahome19 autumn is full of freedom and caprice in comfort * 2020 home color “golden season”: fermliving autumn inspiration release * Australian Dulux 2020 what color interior decoration will become a popular trend * John Lewis is London’s largest department store in autumn 2019 IKEA’s 2020 catalogue is another inspiring home revolution


It outlines the paranoid daily life of Gucci’s characters: guccid é cor limited time home decoration series


The design of 20 high-rise living rooms adds a sense of luxury


Visual communication design is a kind of design to convey information with the help of visual signs, which plays an important role in conveying information


The logo, package, decoration and advertisement design of commodities are generally called decoration design


Interior decoration design mainly deals with the six interfaces of the internal space of the building according to certain design requirements, that is to say, the treatment of the ceiling, wall and ground, as well as the treatment of the solid and semi solid internal interfaces of the divided space


If conditions permit, the building interface itself can also be treated





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