Agency and transfer of construction qualification in Changsha

Then specify the pre applied qualification items of the company, study the qualification standards of corresponding specialties, and determine the specialty and number of personnel certificates required by the applied qualification item standards.

Our company has construction qualification certificates such as construction qualification, survey and design qualification, construction labor qualification, etc.

Welcome to inquire.

If there is a need for qualification, we will go to other regular agency companies to help, which saves time, labor and security.

Failure to understand the specific operation process will make complex things more complex, which will consume more manpower and material resources.

However, handling a qualification requires considerable time and effort.

It takes a lot of time and complicated procedures to complete the qualification process.

Or “purchase” qualification.

According to Article 12 of the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, construction enterprises, survey units, design units and project supervision units engaged in construction activities shall meet the following conditions: (1) having registered capital in line with national regulations; (2) Having professional and technical personnel with legal practice qualification suitable for the construction activities they are engaged in; (3) Have the technical equipment necessary for relevant construction activities; (4) Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.

In accordance with Article 14 of the Provisions on the Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications, the following materials shall be provided: (1) Application Form for Construction Enterprise Qualifications and the corresponding electronic documents; (2) The duplicate of the business license of the enterprise legal person; (3) Articles of Association; (4) The identity certificates, professional title certificates, employment documents and materials required by relevant qualification standards of the person in charge of the enterprise and the person in charge of technology and finance; (5) The identity certificates and registered practice certificates of the registered practitioners listed in the construction enterprise qualification application form; (6) Professional title certificates, identity certificates and endowment insurance certificates of non registered professional and technical personnel required by the qualification standards of construction enterprises; (7) The professional title certificate, identity certificate and endowment insurance certificate of special professional technicians required by some qualification standards; (8) Relevant certificates of enterprise equipment and workshops required by the qualification standards of construction enterprises; (9) Materials related to safety production conditions of construction enterprises; (10) Other relevant materials required by qualification standards.

The company is brand new and has not opened an account or operated, including changes.

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After meeting the above conditions, you can apply for qualification.

So a clear process will help you get twice the result with half the effort.

Tel.: 18782914600 WeChat: 18782914600..

Tel.: 18782914600 WeChat: 18782914600 Construction qualification is very important for a construction enterprise, and the enterprise qualification cannot be separated.


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