14-year-old jumped in front of his family! American net red building committed suicide in 2 years and 4 years, fearing permanent closure

Although the vessel in New York is beautiful, it has another terrible side! From the opening to the outside world in March 19 to the present, in the past 17 months, there have been four fresh young lives


From this 16 storey open circular honeycomb structure overlooking Manhattan, they jump down and freeze their life in advance, which should be as rich as a kaleidoscope


In February this year, the developer of the popular clock in landmark vessel announced that it would temporarily stop opening to the public in view of the “frequent safety accidents”


It was closed for four months before it reopened on May 28 this year( The picture comes from INS (the copyright belongs to the original author)


However, unexpectedly, the tragedy was staged again on the afternoon of July 29 on Thursday


At about 1 p.m


that day, a 14-year-old boy jumped off the 8th floor at the top of vessel without warning under the eyes of his four family members


He died on the spot after landing


At that time, there were many tourists and the scene was in panic


NYPD evacuated the scene urgently


The rescue team rushed to the scene and vessel was closed


4 deaths within 2 years in Hudson   The in yard   Vessel is the most eye-catching single building in NYC created by the famous British architect masheatherwick


This huge building, with a cost of US $200 million, a vertical height of 150 feet and a height of nearly 8 floors, is shaped like a honeycomb and interwoven and connected by 2465 steel cast stairs


Due to the designer’s ingenious reference to the design concept of Indian “stairwell”, the void between the steps is left blank and interleaved, creating a dynamic space experience that is both external and internal


(video from AP, Copyright belongs to the original author) overlooking from the air, the vessel is like a blooming morning glory: looking from the inside, the sky outside the window is like a kaleidoscope: let “big pinecone” once become a resort where online bloggers and foreign tourists must punch in( The picture comes from INS (the copyright belongs to the original author), but it is this open hollow low guardrail stair platform that has buried hidden dangers for vessel’s safety control


In 2020, only one year later, there were three suicides in vessel, bringing silent pain to this beautiful landmark


On February 2, 2020, Peter DeSalvo, a 19-year-old student from New Jersey who was studying at sacredheart University in Connecticut, stepped over the waist guardrail and jumped down the stairs at 5:30 p.m


with the sunset


The strong boy who was a football star of the school team in high school ended his unopened life without leaving a suicide note


Ten and a half months later, another 24-year-old Brooklyn woman, Yocheved gourari, jumped from the top of Hudson yards vessel in the same way


Yocheved gourarie graduated from Macaulay College of City University of New York near lincloncenter with excellent results, but he had anorexia and mental depression before


In the summer of 19, he once went to a mental rehabilitation center in Utah for treatment


The day before she committed suicide, she wrote a suicide note on instagram, and regularly posted it on the social network the day after her death


Less than a month from gourari xiangxiaoyu meteorite, a similar tragedy was staged again at noon on January 11


A 21-year-old Texas man jumped off vessel again, although police and emergency personnel rushed to the scene to send the man who fell to the ground to the hospital for rescue


Eventually died


However, unexpectedly, on the afternoon of July 29, the tragedy staged again“ Relatedcompanies, as the developer of hudsonyards, we regret this


After the reopening in May, we have revised the visit guidelines, requiring two people to travel together to pay for going upstairs


At the same time, special personnel were also sent to patrol the building, but unexpectedly, the tragedy staged again in just two months““ At present, the suicide case is still under investigation, and the “big pinecone” is temporarily blocked


We are also urgently discussing the follow-up plan, but we do not rule out permanently closing the 150 foot high rotating staircase landmark


”   Net red landmarks have frequently become “suicide resorts”


In the United States, there are many landmarks built as “sad sites” like the vessel


The landmark Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco has witnessed the final despair of many people and has become the second “suicide resort” in the world (the picture is from FB and the copyright belongs to the original author)


Since it was opened to traffic in 1937, more than 1600 people have jumped down on the suspension bridge across the Golden Gate gorge in this all-in-one international orange, and even fell into the arms of the God of death, In the five years before 2005, on average, one person jumped off the bridge and threw himself into the sea every two weeks( Photo from TWTs, copyright belongs to the original author) the suicide jumped from a 67 meter high bridge deck and fell into the water freely


It only takes 4 seconds


Under the impact of 120 hours of seawater, within 30 seconds, he will drown in turbulence, leaving loved ones and friends with lifelong pain


For example, in January 2015, Luchang Wang, a 20-year-old Chinese American girl from Yale University, jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and committed suicide, shocking the Chinese community in the United States


Two years later, Dr


Tang Xiaolin lost contact in San Francisco and appeared in the public eye for the last time


It was Uber that went to the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center


Ten days after his disappearance, San Francisco police confirmed that he was dead( Gavin Octaviano, a 22-year-old Asian Filipino youth who studied in ucirvine for 18 years, also left his car in the parking lot under the bridge and disappeared until now( The picture comes from YT, and the copyright belongs to the original author)..


Because too many people jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge, the more they reported the statistics, the more they encouraged such behavior


Later, the bridge management committee decided not to publish the data, but quietly installed 13 emergency telephones on both sides of the 2737 meter bridge sidewalk for suicides to seek advice


The picture is from the Internet


The copyright belongs to the original author


Moreover, slogans such as “cherish life” are pasted on the pier at a certain distance


Since the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original author, and more California patrols and volunteers have spontaneously established such “bridgewatchangles”, hoping to find these suicide offenders through their patrolling on the bridge and chat with them, so that they can feel “worth living in the world” again and turn back from the bridge( The picture comes from FB, and the copyright belongs to the original author)


Even in 2017, bridgedistrict, the Golden Gate Bridge Committee in San Francisco, passed a budget review of US $240 million, and plans to add a stainless steel suicide protection net 20 feet below the sidewalk of the Golden Gate Bridge, which extends 20 feet from under the bridge to catch those who want to commit suicide.



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