The first regular cadre meeting of the second student union of the School of Architecture and Engineering (Hai’an Campus)

In three aspects, Xu Du’an, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, put forward suggestions and requirements for the new student cadres from three aspects: normal work, innovative activities, and etiquette and courtesy.

I believe that all cadres and members will continue to innovate, forge ahead, and contribute their own strength to create a brilliant tomorrow for the College of Architecture and Engineering (Hai’an Campus)! Text | Typesetting by Zhang Jiahao | Reviewed by Tang Jie and Zhang Lingling | Dai Li..

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Secondly, the activity is more distinctive because of the innovative consciousness.

The convening of this regular meeting made student cadres understand the focus of their work tasks, defined the direction for future work, and enhanced the overall cohesion of the student union and the sense of belonging of student union cadres to the student union collective.

Finally, it emphasizes that as student cadres, they should pay attention to their own etiquette, treat others modestly, and exchange honesty for honesty.

The new cadres should take the initiative to understand the normal work of the department and be familiar with the daily tasks of the department.

Zhu Fengwei, the assistant dean, is good at raising hopes and requirements for student cadres from four aspects: being good at asking questions for himself, clarifying his goals and tapping his potential; Be good at giving play to the strength and role of the team, pay attention to brainstorming, use flexible communication methods, adopt various communication methods, strengthen the linkage of various departments and the cooperation of internal members, and give play to the strength and wisdom of the team; Be good at finding talents and summing up the experience and shortcomings in the activities, find talents in various activities and competitions, and do a good job of demonstration, guidance and driving.

Zhu Fengwei, Assistant Dean, and Xu Du’an, Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee attended the meeting.

Be diligent in summing up every activity, and summarize good experience and shortcomings, so as to improve; Be good at learning and rallying people’s minds, establish the concept of lifelong learning, broaden their horizons and improve their comprehensive quality through continuous learning, care about the study, work and life of students in departments, help them solve practical problems and difficulties, let everyone feel the warmth and care of organizations at all levels, and form a joint force.

The first regular cadre meeting of the second student union of the College of Architecture and Engineering (Hai’an Campus) was held in Conference Room 404 of the Science and Technology Innovation Building.


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