Please check yourself! Chongqing high-rise building fire safety, ten checks and ten looks

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Recently, the Chongqing municipal government issued the work plan for the comprehensive treatment of fire safety of high-rise buildings in Chongqing in 2022.

By carrying out 10 works of “three rectification, four consolidation and three improvement”, the Chongqing municipal government continued to rectify the key problems of fire safety, consolidated the effectiveness of comprehensive treatment and improved the long-term working mechanism.

Recently, the Chongqing fire rescue Corps formulated the “ten inspections and ten views on fire safety of high-rise buildings in Chongqing” Property service enterprises can refer to the following key contents to carry out self inspection and check a picture ↓↓↓ please forward the collection to the property service enterprises of high-rise building users! Source: Chongqing fire rescue Corps all media center pays attention to fire safety.


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